The fertile void is the space between our old story before we have stepped into and claimed our new story. In the fertile void, we can often feel stuck and frustrated. What often keeps us stuck is trying too hard out of fear of never creating the life we want deep inside. Find out why self-help tools and techniques typically don’t work, and let Russell guide you upstream to your innate well-being and confidence to get unstuck and claim your life of possibility and purpose. Whether it’s creating the family you crave or the success you know you deserve, Russell will help you see how misunderstandings about the nature of thoughts and feelings mean we get in our own way from being who we want to be and creating what we want. Russell will help you change your relationship with your thoughts, feelings and sense of identity to help you know you are OK whether you feel OK or not and live the life true to yourself and not your habitual insecure thoughts. Get in touch: www.russell-davis.com

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
It’s not fair
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
The fertility journey can feel very unjust and unfair. Why us? What have we done to deserve it? Holding on to anger and resentment doesn’t help our fertility so it can end up being a catch-22. In this episode we look at how we can let go of that injustice and find more peace of mind which is the space where you are more likely to get pregnant.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Is there a gift in the pain of infertility?
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
I am taking some time off in August so this is a show from the archive: This fertility journey so so tough, I wanted to give you a message from the other side. Don't worry I'm still alive and well, I mean the other side of the fertility journey! It's what I want you to know in your darkest times. I can look back on our 10 year fertility journey and actually be thankful for what I learned about myself and life. In this episode I share some of these gifts and what I want you to know in your darkest times on your own fertility journey.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
TTC After miscarriage
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
I am taking some time off in August so this is a show from the archive: Like many aspects of the fertility journey, I think the depth of emotional distress often experienced with miscarriage is not really acknowledged by people who've not experienced it. There is grief. Grieving the loss of the baby you were so emotionally connected to from day one. There can be guilt and blame. Perhaps blaming yourself for not doing the right thing thinking that has impacted your fertility or ability to hold down a healthy pregnancy. Then there is the fear of it happening again. This is often the most significant. You move past the grief but the fear lingers on and doesn't seem to pass. In this episode we explore how you can let go of that fear and other emotions to continue your fertility journey with more peace and hope.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
I am taking some time off in August so this is a show from the archive: This week I have something very special for you. A meditation for you to enjoy taking some time out and nursing yourself. Some space for you to feel held. It is deeply relaxing and hypnotic so don’t listen whilst driving of doing something you have to concentrate on. Enjoy!
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Surviving the Two Week Wait
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
I am taking some time off in August so this is a show from the archive: Whether you are having IVF/ICSI/donor treatment or trying naturally, the dreaded 2WW is always the hardest part of the process. Any insecurity in our mind hates the unknown. Another part of our mind doesn’t like the idea of us being disappointed, let alone devastated, so doesn’t want you to get your hopes up. These fears lead to your mind coming up with all the ‘evidence’ as to why you won't be successful or why you shouldn’t get your hopes up. The truth is, it’s unknown. Nothing can predict the outcome, not even your thinking, no matter how plausible it may be. In this episode a share a three-step approach to help you survive and even thrive in the 2WW
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Do you need a baby or want a baby?
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
I am taking some time off in August so this is a show from the archive: If we think we need something to be happy, content, fulfilled it the fear of not getting it keeps us on the emotional rollercoaster. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a baby, but if part of you thinks you need to feel complete or fulfilled then the fear of it not happening can prevent it from happening. We cannot create anything from a place of fear. Find out the difference between needs and wants and how a misunderstanding how our mind words prevents us from knowing we will be OK whatever happens and feeling complete ahead of having a baby. The moment having a baby shifted from been a need to a desire for us that’s when the magic happened.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Are my feelings bad or wrong?
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
The fertility rollercoaster is an emotional rollercoaster. So often when we express our feelings our partner (or other people) react negatively. Perhaps they judge our feelings as unnecessary or wrong or perhaps it triggers them to have an emotional response such as getting angry. Are you bad or wrong for having these feelings or expressing them?
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Let’s talk about happiness
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Why don’t you deserve to be happy? Why do other seem to get a happier life than you? What is happiness? How do really be happy? In this episode we explore whether it’s possible to be happy now despite the pain and uncertainty of fertility challenges.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Let’s talk about Feelings
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
The emotional rollercoaster of fertility challenges can mean it’s a very emotional journey. We worry about feeling anxious or negative and think we need to feel positive. In this episode we take a step back and look at what a feeling really is. In my experience it’s looking further upstream from the content our feelings that we find what we are looking for.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Let’s talk about Thought
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Fertility challenges (and other challenges in life) can spiral us into over-thinking as navigate the contact sport of life and get the outcomes we desire. We judge our thinking as ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ and try and manage our state of mind. In this episode I want to explore what a thought it as help you find a deeper sense of peace, clarity and flow in life in a space beyond thought.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.