The fertile void is the space between our old story before we have stepped into and claimed our new story. In the fertile void, we can often feel stuck and frustrated. What often keeps us stuck is trying too hard out of fear of never creating the life we want deep inside. Find out why self-help tools and techniques typically don’t work, and let Russell guide you upstream to your innate well-being and confidence to get unstuck and claim your life of possibility and purpose. Whether it’s creating the family you crave or the success you know you deserve, Russell will help you see how misunderstandings about the nature of thoughts and feelings mean we get in our own way from being who we want to be and creating what we want. Russell will help you change your relationship with your thoughts, feelings and sense of identity to help you know you are OK whether you feel OK or not and live the life true to yourself and not your habitual insecure thoughts. Get in touch: www.russell-davis.com

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Myth: X Makes Me Feel Y
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
This week we look at the second of the the seven deadly myths that stop us having more resilience, peace, control, flow and happiness in life and on our fertility journey.
These myths that mean we are more likely to feel anxious, scared and angry, all the things that can actually be impacting our fertility and chances of getting pregnant.
This weeks myth is X makes me feel Y. That our experience is caused by our situation. Things happen to us that makes use feel how we feel. That makes sense, but is it true?
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Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Myth: Thinking Is Useful
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
In this weeks episode we begin a series looking at the seven deadly myths that stop us having more resilience, peace, control, flow and happiness in life and on our fertility journey.
The myths that mean we are more likely to feel anxious, scared and angry, all the things that can actually be impacting our fertility and chances of getting pregnant.
The first myth is that thinking is useful. Surely we need our thinking to navigate life? How can thinking be unhelpful or impact my fertility? Let’s find out!
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Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Shaving your head
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Like most people you are probably doing everything you can to improve your fertility and chances of getting pregnant. Whether acupuncture, supplements, tracking your cycle, reflexology etc.
What if I said you need to shave your head?! I shaved my head a few weeks ago, but what has that got to do with your fertility?
How can ‘shaving your head’ improve your chances of getting pregnant?
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Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Do affirmations work?
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Affirmations are very popular with people on their fertility journey. What if I were to say affirmations don’t work. Quite a bold statement isn't it?
What about The Secret and the power of manifestation? Well, if The Secret was true, where is my Ferrari?! Advocates would tell me I am not doing it right or not believing in the power of manifestation strong enough.
In this episode we explore whether affirmations work and how they may be holding you back from getting pregnant more than you think.
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Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
How your mind impacts your fertility
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
So how does your mind impact your fertility?
We talk about the mind-body connection. But to me, it’s more than that. The mind and body are one system. There is plenty of research to show how the mind effects the body.
In this episode we are looking at how your mind may be affecting your fertility and how can you harness the mind-body system to improve your chances of success.
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Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
It’s not what you it’s why you do it
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
You are probably doing so much to improve your fertility and the chances of having the baby you want. Whether it’s taking your daily temperatures, tracking ovulation, supplements, acupuncture, nutrition etc. etc.
What if some of these things are actually harming your chances of getting pregnant?
In this episode we explore how that might be and what you can do to ensure you are doing the things that serve YOU, YOUR fertility, and your chances of getting pregnant.
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Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Are you losing hope?
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
This fertility journey can feel so hopeless. Surely having hope that you are going to have the baby you want so much is a good thing? Or is it?
On our fertility journey I was longing for us to have the baby we craved so much. However, that hope, that longing was driven by fear.
What if hope wasn’t actually useful?
How do you stay strong and keep going without hope? What do you do instead?
In this episode we explore how hope may actually be impacting your fertility journey and what is better than having hope. Something that may fast-track your journey to success.
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Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Sharpen Your Axe
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Are you too scared to stop and reflect on your fertility journey? To take a step back and get a fresh perspective? Are you doing everything you can to improve your fertility, frantically researching what else you could be doing, or to find the one thing that might make the difference to you getting pregnant?
In this weeks episode I ask a simple question that may make all the difference to you and your journey to getting pregnant.
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Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Hope v Acceptance
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
One of the biggest fears on the fertility journey is losing hope that you’ll ever get pregnant and have the family you want. But what is hope? In this weeks episode we explore whether hope actually a good thing? Do you need hope to get pregnant? Is hope actually stopping you getting pregnant?
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Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
My Story Can Be Your Story
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
I was asked to contribute to a book of real life stories where a change in perspective brought a change in life. In this episode I share my story that I wrote for the book. Find out hat changed in my thinking that led to my fertility improving dramatically (without me trying, I had given up trying to improve it!) resulting in the natural conception of our son against all odds.
My clients find their journey is like mine in so many ways. Could it be your story?
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