The fertile void is the space between our old story before we have stepped into and claimed our new story. In the fertile void, we can often feel stuck and frustrated. What often keeps us stuck is trying too hard out of fear of never creating the life we want deep inside. Find out why self-help tools and techniques typically don’t work, and let Russell guide you upstream to your innate well-being and confidence to get unstuck and claim your life of possibility and purpose. Whether it’s creating the family you crave or the success you know you deserve, Russell will help you see how misunderstandings about the nature of thoughts and feelings mean we get in our own way from being who we want to be and creating what we want. Russell will help you change your relationship with your thoughts, feelings and sense of identity to help you know you are OK whether you feel OK or not and live the life true to yourself and not your habitual insecure thoughts. Get in touch: www.russell-davis.com

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Project You v Project Baby Revisited
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
For me our 10 year fertility journey taught me so much about myself and life I am grateful for. In fact, it was the personal journey I did that changed everything. My outlook on myself and life and my fertility. This is why I often talk about Project You v Project Baby. More you focus on Project You, Project Baby takes more care of itself.
In this episode we look at one aspect of Project You - Purpose. How is it possible to have a sense of purpose when you can’t have the one thing in life that you think will give you purpose? Let’s find out!
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Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
How to Stay Positive
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
It can be really hard to stay positive on this fertility journey with so many ups and downs, BFNs and shattered hopes. Not to mention other people getting pregnant so easily.
In this episode we look at why it’s so hard to stay positive and what you can do about it - and it’s probably not what you expect!
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Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Get Unstuck!
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
This fertility journey can prompt us to explore different aspects of our lives and leads us to wanting to make some changes. Sometimes this can be hard.
Why is this? Why do we find it hard to break some old patterns?
How do we break old patterns of thought, perhaps negative thinking, that we know don’t serve us and just keep us stuck?
The more we bring flow back to life, the flow comes to our body and our fertility. So let’s find out!
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Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Ease vs Worry
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
On our fertility journey I began to think I was born a worrier. I thought it must be my ‘personality type’ or in my DNA. Most of my clients see themselves as an over-thinker, worrier or control freak.
The constant tension in our bodies caused by worry or over-thinking is not good for our fertility or IVF outcome.
So how do you shift from a state of worry to one of easy and wellbeing on your fertility journey? Well let’s find out!
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Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Five Things I Learnt On Our Fertility Journey
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
I wouldn’t wish a 10 year fertility journey on anyone but there is so much I am thankful for that I learnt in it.
Things I learnt about myself and life that has a lasting effect on how I experience all of life, as well as my fertility journey at the time.
I believe it was these lessons that moved Project Baby from being a need to a desire, taking the pressure of it which allowed by body to fall into it’s natural healthy balance.
It will be interesting to see which of the five resonate for you on your fertility journey.
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Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Fed Up With Life
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Over the last few days I’ve been experiencing feelings and thoughts that I had on our fertility journey. The combination of being in constant pain that has kept me from sleeping, the pandemic putting life projects on hold and it been constantly raining for days has left me feeling fed up with life. I’ve been angry with life.
I am not saying my situation is anything like infertility, it’s just brought up a lot of thoughts and feelings about life that came up on our fertility journey.
The reminders I am getting now about myself and life are the very things that helped us on our fertility journey. So I thought I’d share them with you!
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Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Myth: You Have to Strive for Success
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
This week we look at final myth of the seven deadly myths that stop us having more resilience, peace, control, flow and happiness in life and on our fertility journey.
These myths that mean we are more likely to feel anxious, scared and angry, all the things that can actually be impacting our fertility and chances of getting pregnant.
This weeks myth is that you have to strive to get what you want in life. Surely things can’t be easy? Surely if it was easy it would have happened by now?
I want you to know it is possible to create what you want in your life without the striving and how often it’s the striving that prevents us from being successful.
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Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Bonus: Interview with comedian Rhod Gilbert
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Infertility is far more common than we think. It can feel like a very lonely journey but we never know who around us is having a similar experience. On in six couples struggle to conceive. Over 50% of infertility cases involve male infertility either solely or in-conjunction with female infertility. So why is it there is so little support specifically for men? In this episode comedian, TV and radio host Rhod Gilbert shares his experience of being diagnosed with fertility problems and how it felt to be suddenly immersed into the world of fertility.
Rhod has created an awesome TV documentary called Stand Up to Infertility is on BBC Wales on Monday 25th January, 9pm and then on iPlayer and also being broadcast BBC2 in the UK on 30th January, 9.40pm. I am sorry I’m not sure how you access BBC content outside the UK!
On the back of Rhod’s experience he started a campaign to get more men talking and getting more support for men on the fertility journey:
This is a private Facebook Infertility Support Group group for men:
Fertility Network UK is UK based charity providing support and resources for those experiencing infertility.
Resolve is a similar charity in the US:
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Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Myth: I am Broken
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
This week we look at the fifth and sixth of the the seven deadly myths that stop us having more resilience, peace, control, flow and happiness in life and on our fertility journey.
These myths that mean we are more likely to feel anxious, scared and angry, all the things that can actually be impacting our fertility and chances of getting pregnant.
This weeks myths are ‘I am broken’ and that there must be something wrong with me. It’s natural to think these things when our bodies aren’t doing what we naturally expect them to do. But is it true? Is it a self-fulfilling prophesy?
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Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Myth: ‘I’m OK When…’
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
This week we look at the third and fourth of the the seven deadly myths that stop us having more resilience, peace, control, flow and happiness in life and on our fertility journey.
These myths that mean we are more likely to feel anxious, scared and angry, all the things that can actually be impacting our fertility and chances of getting pregnant.
This weeks myths are ‘I’m OK when…’ and positive thinking is useful. Let’s see how we can see through these myths and connect to our innate resources and bring flow back to our mind and bodies.
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