The fertile void is the space between our old story before we have stepped into and claimed our new story. In the fertile void, we can often feel stuck and frustrated. What often keeps us stuck is trying too hard out of fear of never creating the life we want deep inside. Find out why self-help tools and techniques typically don’t work, and let Russell guide you upstream to your innate well-being and confidence to get unstuck and claim your life of possibility and purpose. Whether it’s creating the family you crave or the success you know you deserve, Russell will help you see how misunderstandings about the nature of thoughts and feelings mean we get in our own way from being who we want to be and creating what we want. Russell will help you change your relationship with your thoughts, feelings and sense of identity to help you know you are OK whether you feel OK or not and live the life true to yourself and not your habitual insecure thoughts. Get in touch: www.russell-davis.com

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Can you accept you may never have children?
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
In this episode we look at whether it’s possible to accept the fact you may never have children. At some point your fertility journey will come to an end. How do you know when that is and is it possible to find meaning in life without children?
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Communicating with your partner
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
In this episode we look at how to connect to your partner when it appears they don’t care as much about having children as you. How do you feel united when they don’t seem to have any problems with your fertility situation and having children? It can feel like you are the only one struggling with the infertility experience.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
How to love and trust your body
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
How do you love and trust your body when it is failing you and your fertility? How do you not feel like you are broken when you body is not working as it should. In this episode we explore how to love and trust your body to maximise your chances of success on the fertility journey.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Finding your truth amongst the noise
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
How do you find your truth amongst the noise on this fertility journey, and on life as a whole? In this episode we explore how we can know what’s right for us and navigate this journey and life from our truth when we are bombarded with options, advice, thoughts and fears.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday May 31, 2022
Will life always be a struggle?
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Life can feel like it’s a struggle, particularly on this fertility journey. Is it possible for it not to be? In this episode we look at how you can have more ease and flow in life even ahead of having a baby.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday May 24, 2022
Why me?
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Life can feel so unfair, particularly when you are experiencing infertility and struggling on the fertility journey. Is it possible to let go of this anger and resentment of the injustice? In this episode we look at whether it is possible to feel like life is not unfair when it looks and feels like it is.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
The Mind-Body Link
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
We talk about the mind-body link but actually the mind and body are one system. Find out how powerful your mind is and how you can utilise that to improve your fertility and chances to get pregnant.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Our True Nature
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
I talk about us being spiritual beings having a human experience. What does that mean? How does that help you with your fertility and have a baby?! In my experience when we begin to understand this we connect to an innate wellbeing within us, that knows we are going to be OK whatever happens. This takes the pressure off the fertility journey and creates more peace and flow for the magic to happen.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday May 03, 2022
Are you a Functioning Depressive?
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Do you feel like you flatline through life? Does life feel inspiring? I suspect not. It’s easy to imagine it’s impossible to be inspired about life on this fertility journey when you are struggling to have the one thing you most want in life and the thing you think will make life fulfilling. In this episode we look at how we can turn the contrast up on life, to be able to have a richer experience despite your fertility situation.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Knowing When to Stop
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
How do you know when to call it a day on your fertility journey? Can you even be OK without the family you dreamed of and always expected you’d have? In this episode we explore these questions and help you know when perhaps it might be time to stop and how you can find peace with that.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.