The fertile void is the space between our old story before we have stepped into and claimed our new story. In the fertile void, we can often feel stuck and frustrated. What often keeps us stuck is trying too hard out of fear of never creating the life we want deep inside. Find out why self-help tools and techniques typically don’t work, and let Russell guide you upstream to your innate well-being and confidence to get unstuck and claim your life of possibility and purpose. Whether it’s creating the family you crave or the success you know you deserve, Russell will help you see how misunderstandings about the nature of thoughts and feelings mean we get in our own way from being who we want to be and creating what we want. Russell will help you change your relationship with your thoughts, feelings and sense of identity to help you know you are OK whether you feel OK or not and live the life true to yourself and not your habitual insecure thoughts. Get in touch: www.russell-davis.com

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Why I won’t be wishing you baby dust…
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
In the fertility world wishing someone ‘baby dust’ is no uncommon way of wishing someone every success on their journey to getting pregnant This sounds harsh but I won’t be wishing you baby dust. I want more than that for you. In this episode I explain why and I what I want you to have instead!
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About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Thursday Nov 10, 2022
THE question you need to ask yourself
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
On our fertility journey I made a discovery that changed everything. It changed how I saw (and loved) myself. It led me to changing career. It enabled me to fall in to a more healthy psychological place which resulted in my body (and fertility) falling into a more innate healthy state. In this episode we explore one question that highlights my discovery and may kickstart your own.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Forgiveness Meditation
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
When we think about forgiveness we think about forgiving others. What if we need to forgive ourselves for the self judgement and hard thinking we have on ourselves? It is easy to blame our past, others or our circumstances for our state of mind. At the end of the day it is our thinking in this moment, not the past or anything outside of us. In this special episode we have a powerful forgiveness ritual that is based on the Hawaiian forgiveness prayer Ho’oponopono.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
How to let go of the past
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
When we have such painful memories and experiences it is hard to let go of the past. Does the past define us? Does it feel like you are carrying your past? The good news is you don’t need to. In his episode we explore how to let the past go and be free of past memories and experiences.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Finding Purpose
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
I thought having a baby would give me a deeper sense of purpose in life. But does it? What if it doesn’t? What if thinking that puts pressure on the process and that pressure stops is happening? In this episode we look at how you can find a sense of purpose even ahead of having a baby.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
What to do with self judgement
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
I talk a lot about Project You v Project Baby. One aspect of Project You is letting go of self judgement. Stopping being hard on yourself. In this episode we explore how you can do that and have more self compassion on this fertility journey.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
What to do with feelings
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
The fertility journey is known as an emotional rollercoaster for good reason. It can feel like being in an emotional washing machine! In the episode we explore our relationship with feelings and see how changing our relationship with our feelings can help bring more peace, flow and wellbeing on your journey to getting pregnant.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Creating Success
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
In this weeks episode we look at whether success has to come with striving, hard work and stress. Is it possible to create more success in your life with ease and wellbeing? Is it the striving and stress impacting your fertility and preventing you from getting pregnant?
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
The Emotional Pain
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
The grief, sadness and distress of infertility is often not fully recognised. I talk about knowing you are going to be OK whatever happens. Does this mean you never feel fear or sadness? What does it mean in practice? In this episode we explore whether it is possible to know you are OK when you clearly don’t feel OK.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Project Baby
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Project Baby and the focus on our fertility can take over our lives, it can become our lives! In this episode we find out we can find some balance and flow on this fertility journey without giving up trying to get pregnant.
Get in touch:
About the Show:
I help women and couples remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant. Based on my and my wife’s 10 year fertility journey and the work of my clients I believe too many couples have IVF unnecessarily and that the success rate of IVF is unnecessarily low. We can see how much our mind and emotions played a part in our fertility journey and when we found a place of peace without giving up that’s when the magic happened - we conceived naturally against all odds. I help me clients do the same - remove psychological blocks to getting pregnant naturally or getting the successful IVF outcome they so want.
When I ask women what having a baby will give them they usually say a sense of completeness, love and purpose. It’s our fear of not having these things, a fear of not being enough, worthy that tends to be behind our fear of not having a baby. These limiting beliefs have usually been around since an early age and infertility shines a spotlight on them. Many of my clients have strived for success in their life whether career or other things. That approach doesn’t work for fertility. In fact it puts tension in the body which decreases their chances of success.
The podcast is short dose of insight, giving women and couples new perspectives that allows them to see their fertility from the ‘inside-out’. To see help them let go of their insecure thoughts and feelings and connect to their innate wellbeing that knows they are enough and OK whatever happens. This moves having a baby from being a ’need’ to to a desire. It takes the pressure of the process and their mind and body relax into it’s natural flow state. Stress can impact the delicate balance of hormones required for a successful pregnancy.